Every Tool's A Hammer by Adam Savage

Who wouldn't want to sit with Adam Savage (if you don't know who Adam Savage is, go back under your rock) for roughly 7 hours and hear how his brain works? I know I would, and I did! And I didn't have to go through his agent either! I could not have enjoyed this audiobook more.  There are so many words of wisdom, applicable to everyone (not just makers) that it deserves a read in print. And maybe you own copy so you can mark it up. Still the audio was great because Adam himself reads it, and you get to hear his excitement for the subject at hand every minute. You are going to be a better (insert what it is you are) for having read this book. 

I was not completely sure what I was getting when I downloaded the audiobook from my library of library accounts, but I got way more than I bargained for with so much information and insights. While some readers might find a thirty minute diatribe on glues to be a bit much, it is unreal for me that someone know so much about something we all basically take for granted. And glues are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. There are sections on movies, hammers, failures, successes, and (omg) lists. Savage loves a list. That love is something I am coming to appreciate even more. 

If you have ever wondered about anything having to do with maker cultures, mindsets, prop creations, modeling, world building, comicons, engineering, scissors or just how Adam Savage things, read this book. I can't think of a better way to not only open your mind, but get better at whatever it is you are interested and basically hang out with Adam Savage for awhile. 
