Librarianship, at any level, is really not that hard. You might have days where you hate it, but there are just as many days you love it.
Over the course of this series, I am going to try to tackle why I think certain issues within the library field are thought to be so hard. Some of the examples I will use are from personal experience, and some from those I have heard about in talking with other librarians. Out of respect for those characters involved, I will not use names, and I refuse to be too specific about who they are. Conversations and examples are based on my observations, and my opinions are my own.
My goal is to take head on what I think are issues that should not, again my opinion, rate the hours upon hours of thought heaped upon them. This mindset is after all the Degen Librarian's prerogative and something I feel we should do to stave off a host of backend problems librarians face such as burnout, job frustrations, and a slip in the general understanding of librarianship.
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