Social Media Use And The Library

Libraries need to face the fact that social media is here. They need to embrace it on every platform they can, and they need to be active in their use. It is not a place to gab and flab about the inner workings of the library (because apparently, that is some kind of mystical secret ..que laborious eye roll) but a place to connect with patrons. To quote STEP BROTHERS..."there is so much room for activities!"

The way I see it is this. Some Libraries and many librarians have for whatever reason take the attitude of libraries as closed-off bastions on knowledge, books, and all things good, holy, and powerful. If you can't tell, I think that's a load of horseshit fresh off the Mayflower. Libraries are tools and tools used are..well tools used. We're here to connect people and connect to people with resources they didn't already know about. Or in some case, they don't know completely about. We take that knowledge, store it, and use it for the future. We have the training as librarians, and the mindset, to utilize the tools we have at our disposal. What are we afraid of using them?

I have already talked to death the use of social media during Covid-19 BUT IT IS GOING TO BE A LIFELINE FOR A LONG TIME TO COME. At least for the foreseeable future libraries are going to be closed or limited in what they can do. Then we have to factor in people who will be shy about coming back in even once the world gets back to a pre-Covid setting. So how in the world are we supposed to connect?!?!?!?!?? If there is any other way, I don't know it. But by god, I'd be willing to try if there is something.
