Friends With Benefits

 Most libraries collaborate in some form or another from time to time....can there be a more wet noodle start to a free library blog? Probably. Give me a minute. 

And yes, they do, but this is a trend that is not going to go away because frankly I don't think it can. And I am not talking about collaboration just with other libraries, though that'll still happen. I mean with other organizations that need the library as much as the library needs the other organizations. Think a romcom with Mila Kunish and Justine Timbermill but with a lot of bad puns and complaining about how they would rather be playing with their cats

This morning on my way to work this morning, I caught an NPR piece about the Museum of Modern Art needing to sale some of its holdings to make ends meet during the Covid-19 pandemic. Non-profits have suffered and the MOMA is no different. So how do libraries play in? Lots already have. In many libraries you can check out free passes a variety of things. To save the MOMA, those of you have them can check out a pass from the NYCPL..and if not you should be able to.  The library pays a price representing X number of admissions, and any pass that number and the tickets have paid for themselves. Sometimes the attraction gives the library the passes so no money has to change hands. Libraries get circulation, features on social media, book displays, story times...the works. The attractions get all the same and people in the door. Win, meet win.

And who orchestrates all this? Why the community outreach librarian! Yes, those are position and yes libraries are starting to have them more and more. A recent informal survey showed no fewer than 5 new positions for libraries within my scope....what does that tell you???..please hire me....And two of those where at colleges, so even the book jockeys in the big leagues are getting in on the action. Outreach librarians often have other duties, but several of the jobs I saw posted were dedicated to outreach. So, libraries are catching on to getting outside the wall, which is fantastic. 

Because lets face it, libraries have to. We cannot beat Netflix with Hoopla. $1 movie fees are a joke up against even Crackle with it's annoying adds. Books are books, but plenty people get the Amazon high every time they see the UPS truck. It's Pavlovian. So we have to get in their faces somehow. And Covid-19 has helped actually. More people are looking to alternatives to sitting at home with Hulu. They want to go somewhere they haven't been in a while. They'll settle for anywhere, but why not the library? Oh wait...the library is bring the bookmobile to the school down the road???? SWEET BABY JESUS! KIDS GET YOUR CARDS! 

So yes, libraries are going to have to start collaborating with all kinds of organization other than libraries. It mutually beneficial. Even if the business is a for profit. It does not have to be limited to pro bonos. And, there is a whole new job market for people who understand libraries, can pry themselves away from the card catalog, lint roller the cat hair off their sweater and be quasi-normal in front of people which is...great for people like me who think cats taste like chicken....especially with ketchup. 
